American English Pronunciation Practice (For ESL/EFL) Game-like Minimal Pair Practice using Flash and MP3 Files American English Pronunciation Practice (For ESL/EFL) Game-like Minimal Pair Practice using Flash and MP3 Files You can do a 4-minute review first, if you like. Video with Minimal Pairs from ...
Minimal Pairs - Lesson 1: - 13-30, ... American English Pronunciation Practice. MP3-encoded sound files in interactive Flash files. This page is part of which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students. Copyright © 2001-2010 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Res
線上英語學習資源: American English Pronunciation Practice American English Pronunciation Practice,顧名思義,就是讓使用者練習美式英文發音的網站。它的教材相當多元,除了單純的聽力之外還設有小遊戲,讓學發音和練習聽力沒那麼無趣。由於大部分的教材都與聽力相關,這個網站需搭配喇叭學習。
American English Pronunciation: Sounds Practice American English Pronunciation and Sound Practice ... Practice your English listening skills by individual sound. Pronunciation word lists have thousands of English words with native speaker pronunciation, categorized by the sound in the beginning, middle
American English Pronunciation Practice - YouTube Fun Easy English American English pronunciation practice. Learn American English pronunciation. Free online lessons. Lesson 44 - The sound in the words home, hen, hot, happy
American English Pronunciation Practice (For ESL/EFL) | Pearltrees ... * American English Pronunciation Practice (Charles Kelly) BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips The sounds of English There is a system of symbols for writing the sounds of English. We have a guide to these symbols and also videos to show how to .
American English Pronunciation Practice (For ESL/EFL) Game-like Minimal Pair Practice using Flash and MP3 Files.
English Pronunciation Practice (For ESL Students) Listen and Repeat Machine screen shot. Listen and Repeat to Improve Your Intonation, Rhythm and Pronunciation. New material is uploaded every day.
American Engish Pronunciation: Listen and Repeat Machine (Daily ... You can control the pause between sentences. Translations are in Japanese because I teach English in Japan. However, for any sentence, if you click the link to ...
Free Online Pronunciation Guides with Instant Sound: English + 9 Languages Pronunciation guides + online dictionary for English and 9 other languages with instant mouseover sound, ...