Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia As of July 2014, Amazon charged about $0.013/hour ($9.7/month) for the smallest "Micro Instance" (t2.micro) virtual machine running Linux or Windows. Storage optimized instances cost as much as $6.820/hour (i2.8xlarge). "Reserved" instances can go as low
AWS | Amazon EC2 | Instance-Typen Amazon EC2 bietet eine große Auswahl von Instance-Typen, die für ...
T2 Instances - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud T2 instances are currently available in three instance sizes: t2.micro , t2.small , and t2.medium . Customers can ... For more information, see Amazon EC2 Instance Purchasing Options. T2 instance types ...
Resizing Your Instance - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud For example, if your t1.micro instance is too small for its workload, you can change it to an m1.small instance. ... To determine the root device type of your instance, open the Amazon EC2 console, click ...
Amazon EC2 Instance Store - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Use the disk storage that is physically attached to the host computer for your instance. ... Amazon EC2 instances are divided into different instance types, which determine the size of the instance store available on the instance by default.
Announcing Micro Instances for Amazon EC2 9 Sep 2010 ... We are excited to announce the immediate availability of Micro instances for Amazon EC2, a new, low ...