[耳機] 各價位帶參考整理(2012-0330更新) (第1頁) - 行動影音 - Mobile01 【此文以預算查詢耳機,分享給欲購買耳機的新手們參考】 【感謝品嘉音響提供眾多資料來源】 耳機哪裡買?... ... 耳塞式 耳道式 耳掛式 耳罩式 AKG K317 (頸掛) AKG K319 AKG K330 AKG K340 Denon C560 Etymotic MC5 Grado IGI JAYS a-JAYS Four (iPhone)
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Shootout: 113 Portable Headphones Reviewed (Alpha Design Labs ADL H118 added 07/15/14) Introduction I started planning this review around the same time I joined head-fi and saw how useful multi-headphone comparisons could be for a newcomer. I put my... ... I started planning this review around the same time I joined head-fi and saw how usef
Headphone Reviews - Consumer Reports Online Summary: Home/studio-style noise-canceling closed over-ear headphones that come with a detachable standard audio cable, a detachable audio cable with built-in mic and answer/player control button for iphone/ipod/ipad, and smartphone use, mini-plug-to-1/4-
AKG Q460 anyone have experience with them? - Head-Fi If the Q460 would be the same as the K450, only with a ... Sensitivity: 127dB SPL/ V.
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AUDIO TECHNICA ATH PRO700 mk2 - Head-Fi.org - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles I've seen alot of PRO700MK2 reviews labelling them as "Bassy" headphones and "uncomfortable", please stop. These aren't meant to be for your "casual" listening, Audio-Technica designed these headphones with "utility" in mind. A exclusively for DJs and I w
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