Apple - AirPlay - 以 Apple TV 播放 iOS 裝置上的內容 AirPlay and Apple TV let you stream or mirror music, movies, photos, and more from your iOS devices to your widescreen TV. ... 讓你的 iOS 裝置,搖身一變為終極控制器。 當激烈動作場面在你的寬螢幕電視上登場,你的 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 就能讓你 ...
Reflector Airplay Receiver - Mirror an iPhone or iPad to a ... ... of your screen to a computer. Everything you do on your iPad, iPod or iPhone is shown on the screen. ... OS X and Windows. Requires a Compatible iOS ...
AirServer - The Most Advanced AirPlay Receiver for Mac and PC There are times when you need to show content to your class to engage your audience, using an iPad. With AirServer you can wirelessly beam your iPad ...
Apple - AirPlay - 以Apple TV 播放iOS 裝置上的內容 它也能將你行動裝置上顯示的一切,鏡像輸出至更大的螢幕。無論是假期照片、票房 鉅片或最新遊戲,AirPlay 及Apple TV 都 ...
《iTools啟用AirPlay》將iOS的畫面同步顯示到電腦上(免JB!免買AppleTV!) 2014年4月22日 ... 《iTools啟用AirPlay》將iOS的畫面同步顯示到電腦上(免JB! ... 中的資料,而新版的 iTools新增了AirPlay功能,可將iPhone、iPad畫面鏡像到大螢幕中,就像Apple TV 一樣,因此就能讓4吋 ... Photoshop教學-《色彩特效》懷舊復古底片風 ...
AirPlay 免Apple TV 教學: iPhone iPad 投影在PC Mac -電腦 ... 作者:esor huang - 2014年5月25日 - 「 AirServer 」軟體,省下Apple TV 、投影傳輸線的費用,在電腦上播放iPhone、 ... iPhone 的即時畫面,以無線傳輸的方式傳送到電腦螢幕上播放囉!
[密技]免JB讓iPhone畫面投影到PC或MAC螢幕上實現AirPlay功能 2013年5月7日 ... Step 4. 〈iOS6設定方法〉 ▽ 回到iPhone上,叫出多功工具列,往左滑兩次。 IMG_2227 IMG_2228 ▽ 會看 ...
X-Mirage - AirPlay receiver, Mirror, Record your iPhone, iPad, iPod screen&content to any Mac or Win X-Mirage X-Mirage is the most professional AirPlay server for Mac and Windows PC, which allows you to wirelessly stream contents or mirror iPhone, iPad and iPod screen to any Mac/Windows PC. Record screen and audio from iOS devices, as well as voiceover .
AirPlay for iPhone and iPad — Everything you need to know! | iMore AirPlay is what Apple calls their proprietary audio and video streaming technology. AirPlay audio and video can be sent from any modern iOS device, including iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, and as well as OS X on the Mac. Media controllers on iOS and in iTu
Use AirPlay to wirelessly stream content from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch The icons of a TV screen or speaker next to each AirPlay device show the type of media content you can stream to that device. See what to do if you don't see your device in the list. ...