空中巴士A330 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 空中巴士A330 ,是一款由 歐洲 空中巴士集團 所生產、高載客量的中長程 廣體客機 ,與四發動機的 A340 同期研發。 空中巴士打算把A330投放在 ETOPS 市場上,這個標準由 波音 767 最先獲得認可, 777 客機也是這個標準的一員。 除發動機的數目外,A330的機翼 ...
中華航空公司 China Airlines Airbus A330-300(C/Y) 飛航長程航線 圖示說明 Airbus A330-300(C/Y) 飛航短程航線 圖示說明
Airbus A330 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Airbus A330 is a wide-body twin-engine jet airliner made by Airbus, a division of Airbus Group. Versions of the A330 have a range of 7,400 to 13,430 kilometres (4,000 to 7,250 nmi) and can accommodate up to 335 ...
A330 Family: A330-200, A330-300 - A330 photos, pictures, A330 videos ... The A330-200 and A330-300 are almost identical in all but length. The only two other key differences are that the centre tank is activated for increased fuel capacity and an extended fin and rudder on the A330-200 ...
機票查詢、機票訂位、香港自由行機加酒、班機 ... 國泰航空網上訂香港自由行機加酒、東京、大阪、名古屋、上海、北京、新加坡、雪梨、國外旅遊及各城市便宜機票。本網站提供網上報到、行李、班機時刻表及 ...
旅遊須知 - 航機上需知 - 座位圖索引 - 空中巴士 A330 空中巴士 330 空中巴士 330-300 座位分佈表: 30 Business; 267 Economy* 空中巴士 330-200 座位分佈表: 36 Business; 199 Economy - International* 36 Business; 268 Economy - Domestic* 36 Business; 265 ...
Airbus, a leading aircraft manufacturer | A320, A330, A340, A350 XWB ... A380 Airbus corporate jets ACJ Family Excellence in comfort and space Freighter aircraft A330-200F Beluga Military aircraft C212 CN235 C295 A330 MRTT A400M Asset Management Out-of-production aircraft Tools To keep up ...
Airbus A330-300 | Airliners.net Airbus A330-300 specifications, pictures, and data. Find photos, information and specs for the Airbus A330-300, a Large capacity medium to long range airliner. Airliners.net has information on airplanes and aircraft of all types.
A330-300 aircraft: A330-300 range, specifications (dimensions, seating capacity, performance), cabin The stretched-fuselage A330-300 matches twin-engine efficiency with increased passenger capacity – all while retaining the A330 Family’s highly comfortable, low-noise cabin and operating commonality with the entire Airbus fly-by-wire product line. This je
Airbus A330 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 跳到 A330-300HGW - [edit]. In 2000, it was reported that Airbus was studying an A330-300 version with a higher gross weight. It was named ...