Flash Professional 說明| 發佈AIR for Android 應用程式 - Adobe 以下視訊教學課程說明如何在Flash Pro 中建立AIR™ for Android 應用程式: ... 您 可以在Flash 中使用「檔案> 新增」命令建立Adobe AIR for Android 文件。您也可以 ...
Getting started with Adobe AIR for Android Now that you have confirmed your phone is connected properly, it's time to install AIR for Android: Take the AIR runtime file you downloaded from prerelease and place it in the Tools directory under your Android SDK. (This isn't required, but it makes it
Getting started with Adobe AIR for Android 1 Aug 2010 ... However, with new Adobe AIR for Android (currently in developer ... need to install the AIR for Android extension for Flash Professional CS5.
Adobe AIR for Android:用Flash製作Android應用 @ 資訊園 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 軟體需求: Adobe Flash CS5.5 或是Adobe Flash Builder4.5 在這以Flash CS5.5 來做教學 開啟新檔,選擇AIR for Android 製作方法就
Adobe AIR | Deploy applications The Adobe® AIR® runtime enables developers to package the same code into ... Kindle Fire, Nook Tablet, and other Android™ devices, reaching the mobile app ... To submit your app to the Adobe Flash and AIR platforms Showcase Gallery, ...
Using Flash Builder 4.5 to package applications for Google Android Flash Builder packages the application as an APK file, transfers it to the device, installs the AIR runtime on the device (if not already installed), and launches the ...
adobe flash professional cs5 air for android tutorial part 1 of 2 ... 2011年9月11日 - 9 分鐘 - 上傳者:aaron lane tutorial for beginners. I will go over how to make a very simple button app for your android device.
APK Export [1080p] » Adobe Flash CS6 AIR For Android - YouTube 2013年8月10日 - 12 分鐘 - 上傳者:eminfedar umarım flash ilerde onu da yapar. çünkü air'siz çalıştırlabilen uygulamalar yapılabilirse ...
gotoandlearn.com - AIR for Android - Part 1 In this first tutorial I show you how to setup your development environment with Flash CS5.
Flash Pro CC AIR for Android Publish Never Fini... | Adobe Community 26 Jun 2014 ... I am having so much trouble with the new CC flash pro. Simply, it does not publish to devices - at all. I was able to get the proper driver so that.