adviser or advisor - Writing - English Rules Someone asked today in a comment whether “documentor” or “documenter” is correct. The correct word is “do ...
"adviser" vs "advisor" - English Vocabulary - English - The Free Dictionary Language Forums Hehe, spell as you please! I learned English in America, but for the past two years I have been spelling ... | Expert Advice and Know-How since 1983 Welcome to -- expert advice and know-how on money, health, lifestyle, family, travel, technol ...
advisor - Wiktionary 行動版 - In the UK, Ireland and Asia the spelling is traditionally adviser, though US spelling advisor is becoming ...
Adviser vs. advisor - Grammarist 行動版 - Adviser and advisor are both accepted spellings of the noun meaning one who advises or counsels.
adviser - definition of adviser in English from the Oxford dictionary 行動版 - The spellings adviser and advisor are both correct. Adviser is more common, but advisor is also widely ...
meaning - What's the difference between "adviser" and "advisor ... 行動版 - 2010年9月8日 - I work for a financial services provider and we deal with "Financial Advisors" all the time ...
Adviser or advisor? | Online Grammar 行動版 - I have noticed a trend for advisor being used for job titles, e.g. financial advisor ( but financial adviser is ...
adviser or advisor - Writing - English Rules 2005年5月13日 - Whatever its past, advisor is registered alongside adviser in major British, American, ...
Should You Go to an Adviser or an Advisor? - Total Return - WSJ 行動版 - 2012年7月5日 - Much like garbagemen rechristening themselves "sanitation engineers," the folks who ...