Adobe AIR * 建立您的第一個AIR for iOS 應用程式 您只能使用Adobe 工具來撰寫、建立和測試iOS 應用程式基本功能的程式碼。不過, 若要在裝置上安裝iOS 應用程式並散佈 ...
Adobe AIR * iOS 套件 在iOS 上,ADT 會將SWF 檔案位元組程式碼與其他來源檔案轉換為原生iOS 應用 程式。 使用Flash Builder、Flash ...
Packaging applications for Apple iOS devices | Adobe ... In order to package applications for testing/debugging on iOS devices and for ... Figure 1. Make sure the AIR application's ID and the Apple App ID match.
Adobe AIR * iOS 套件 ... 參考,使其包含 adt 應用程式的完整路徑。adt 應用程式安裝在 AIR SDK 的 bin ... 若要建立提交 Apple App Store 的 iOS 套件,請使用 ADT package 命令,將目標類型設為 ios-app-store:執行此命令之前,您必須從 Apple ...
when an AIR for iOS provisioning profile expire... | Adobe Community I'm unclear about what happens to an installed iOS app when the provisioning profile OR the signing certificate expires. ... when an AIR for iOS provisioning profile expires ... Pea Apr 2, 2014 5:27 PM (in response to Umanoff) The app son't At least, that
Adobe AIR * iOS packages - Learn & Support On iOS, ADT converts the SWF file byte code and other source files into a native iOS application. Create the SWF file using Flash ... -provisioning-profile PROFILE_PATH SIGNING_OPTIONS TARGET_IPA_FILE APP_DESCRIPTOR SOURCEpath-to -simulator ...
Packaging applications for Apple iOS devices | Adobe Developer Connection In order to package applications for testing/debugging on iOS devices and for deployment to the Apple App Store you need an Apple iOS development certificate (in P12 format) and a provisioning profile. There are both development and distribution versions
Provisioning issues for Adobe Air iOS apps when using an outside developer - Stack Overflow One of her reasons is that with Adobe Air she otherwise does not need Xcode. Is she right? To complicate ... p12 files. What exactly are you asking? You haven't really given any details about your situation. You need a provisioning profile with a valid an
Using the Push Notifications native extension for iOS | Adobe Developer Connection Before you can use push notifications on iOS, you'll need to create a new App ID specifically for your push-enabled app, create a special provisioning profile for your app, and set up a back-end certificate for the server. Create a new App ID Log in to ht
IOS App Store ERROR: Certificate and Provisioning Profile air error ios upload certificate app-stroe provisioning-profile 2859 Views Tags: () air Content tagged with air, error Content tagged with error, iosCont ...