Adobe AIR * 使用Adobe AIR 的原生擴充功能 Adobe AIR 原生擴充功能的ActionScript API,可讓您存取以原生程式碼進行程式 設計的特定裝置功能。原生擴充功能開發人員有時候會與裝置製造商合作,有時候則 ...
Using the GameCenter Adobe AIR native extension for iOS | Adobe Developer Connection Select a default language and then type a Name and SKU Number for your application (see Figure 1). Under Bundle ID, click You Can Register A New Bundle ID Here, which will bring you to the Provisioning Portal. In the Provisioning Portal, click New App ID
Native extensions for Adobe AIR | Adobe Developer Connection Add iOS 6 social networking and sharing to your iOS app with an AIR native extension. Tutorial Milkman ...
iOS « Native Extensions for Adobe AIR A song picker/player AIR native extension for iOS and Android. Author: Rich Lovejoy ...
Air Native Extensions - The Best in Adobe Native ExtensionsAir Extensions | Access IOS SDK API in AS Only the best air native extensions for all the mobile platforms. Browse free and paid air extensions ...
Adobe AIR Native Extensions 200+ ANEs - iOS, Android, Mac, Windows Adobe AIR Native Extensions for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows. ... Download OS Description Price Core Image ...
iOS native extension for Adobe AIR. In-app mail composer | After running ANT script we will have two new files: NativeMail_ iOS.swc in ‘build’ directory and iOS ...
AdMob iOS « Native Extensions for Adobe AIR Enrique has kindly posted up an AdMob Native Extension for the community to use to maximise their Ad ...
Native Extensions | Adobe AIR on Mobile - Adobe Blogs | Welcome to Blogs You can download the latest AIR SDK with support for handling exceptions in a Native Extension from ...
distriqt Native Extensions We ve developed a number of Adobe AIR Native Extensions for use with iOS and Android mobile platforms. ...