Runtime Error 429 - ActiveX Component Can't Create Object - Microsoft Community I am using win 7 and VB6. When I try to execute my application in VB6 I get error 429:-ActiveX component cann't be created and my application is not completed. How can I resolve this issue?i am stuck with work on this issue. ...
Runtime Error 429 - ActiveX Component Can't Create Object ... 30 Nov 2009 ... KB 306084 - How to restore Windows XP to a previous state. Hope this ... I am using win 7 and VB6.
error "429" AcitveX Component Can't create object (in vb6 ... The most common problem people get with code on this site is VB's super friendly error 429, "ActiveX Can't Create ...
Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object - MSDN ... Hi,. I thought this would be the best place to post this question. I am getting a run-time error within my VB app: Run-time error '429': ActiveX ...
Run-time error '429' ActiveX component can't create object - MSDN ... Hi! I get the error (Run-time error '429' ActiveX component can't create object) when I execute my VB 6.0 program on Windows server 2003
Runtime Error '429': ActiveX Component Can't Create Object - VB6 ... I am using below code in vb6 application but this is throwing an "Runtime Error ' 429': ActiveX component can't create object" error.
You receive a "ActiveX component can't create object" error message when using Access Lists 5 possible causes and provides corresponding solutions when you receive error message "ActiveX Component Can't Create Object". ... This behavior can occur if any of the following conditions are true: Data Access Objects (DAO) is not properly registe
"ActiveX component can't create object" error message when you run code that calls the Common Dialog Describes the issue that occurs when you receive a "Run-time error 429: ActiveX component can't create object" error message. The message appears when you run code that calls the Common Dialog Control (Comdlg32.ocx) on a different computer.
dll - ActiveX component can't create object - Stack Overflow I have just installed a third party app on my Windows Server 2008 server and I get the ActiveX Component can't create object message when I try to access using a CreateObject in ...
ActiveX component can't create object... a tough one! - Never doubt thy debugger - Site Home - MSDN This week I've been working on a case from a customer who was migrating his web application to Windows 2003, and while on the old servers (Windows 2000) and on his development machine everything was working fine (as usual ), after deployment on the produc