系所首頁 > 師資及人員 > 教師 - 國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系 學經歷 1981.9~1985.6 台灣國立成功大學-測量工程系-學士 1985.9~1987.6 台灣國立成功大學-航空測量研究所-碩士 1990.9~1994.6 美國緬因大學-測量工程學系(地理資訊系統)-博士 1994.8~2004.9 國立成功大學-測量工程學系-副教授
34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 由於這個網站的 robots.txt, 因此無法提供此結果的說明 – 瞭解詳情。
34th Asian conference on Remote sensing, ACRS 2013 ... The 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2013) will be held on Bali at 20 – 24 October 2013. The Conference is organized by Indonesian Society ...
AARS Home ACRS 2014. bnr acrs2013 35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing will be held at Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar from 27- 31, October 2014. Read more.
黃金聰的個人資料 - 國立臺北大學公共事務學院 不動產與城鄉環境學系 臺北大學公共事務學院 不動產與城鄉環境學系 ... 學位論文 黃金聰,「 應用碎形維數為地理特徵物指標之研究」, 博士論文, 國立交通大學土木系, 1999.
系所首頁 > 師資及人員 > 教師 - 國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系 基本資料 姓名 蔡展榮 職稱 副教授 分機 63838 Email tsayjr@mail.ncku.edu.tw 專長/研究領域 攝影測量、訊號處理與分析、電腦視覺、影像辨識、空間資訊系統、遙感探測、自動化製圖、小波理論及應用、雷達測量、光達測量
EARSeL, European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories Conferences, workshops > Other events Other events Upcoming events May 11-15, 2015: 36 th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE). Berlin, Germany. Organised by ISPRS You are invited to the 36th International Symposium on ...
ITC - Résumé of dr. Y.A. (Yousif) Hussin Yousif Ali Hussin was born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1954. He received a BSc degree in Forestry Sciences from the Mosul University, Iraq in 1976. He received an MSc degree in Forestry (Remote Sensing) from Mosul University in 1979. Worked as the lecturer of rem
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System for Fault Segments Mapping a Study from Taiz Area, GIS and remote sensing data for allowing detection of structural features, such as faults, offer opportunities for improving mapping and identifying the areas that are likely to be locations of faulting areas. Landsat ETM-7 satellite data images were used
ITC - Résumé of dr. N. (Norman) Kerle - ITC - Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observati Dr. Norman Kerle received Masters degrees in geography from the University of Hamburg (Germany) as well as from the Ohio State University (US), and a PhD in geography (volcano remote sensing) from the University of Cambridge, UK (2002). His activities in