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ACR38 Smart Card Reader ACR38 Smart Card Reader - The World's First PC/SC PC-linked (USB) Smart Card reader, compliant with EMV standard With the continuing evolution of personal data security, the ACR38 smart card reader/writer, a full speed USB device, is perfectly designed fo
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Smart Card Reader | ACS: ACR38 Smart Card Reader - ACR38 Smart Card Reader product features, applications, technical specification documents, images, drivers and utility tools. ... Release Date Drivers OS Support Version File Size Notes USB Interface 11-Nov-2013 MSI Installer for PC/SC Driver Win 2000, Wi
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誰有acr38讀卡機的驅動程式呢? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 誰有acr38讀卡機的驅動程式呢?我電腦重灌後讀卡機就不能用了是不是要驅動程式不要給我官網好像撤了連不上去