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主題:Acer Timeline Ultra M5、Aspire V5 雙機登場 而 Acer 新推出的 Aspire Timeline Ultra M5 就是有符合上述標準大尺寸 Ultrabook。Aspire Timeline Ultra M5 共有 14 吋以及 15.6 吋兩種大小選擇,機身厚度大約 20 mm 左右,同時還內建 LED 背光鍵盤、DVD 光碟機和獨立顯示晶片,售價 8,298 ...
Acer Aspire S5 帶著 M5 聯袂登場,高階 Ultrabook 在台上市 ... Acer 才在 Computex 展出了 Aspire S5,沒多久就正式在台灣上市,搶在前頭 Aspire S5 也是比較早開賣的第二代 Ultrabook。這次連同 Aspire S3 也升級到了 Ivy Bridge 處理器一起 ...
Acer Timeline U M5-481TG 6814 review - CNET 2012年8月8日 - The Good The slim Acer Timeline U M5-481TG ultrabook combines Nvidia graphics, an optical drive, and plenty of extra features, including a ...
Acer Aspire M5-481TG-6814 - External ... Acer Aspire Timeline Ultra M5 review: an Ultrabook with discrete graphics ... Тест игрового ультрабука с приводом Acer Aspire M5-481TG: разрыв шаблона
Review Acer Aspire Timeline Ultra M5-481TG Notebook ... 2012年8月7日 - With the Aspire TimelineUltra M5-481TG series Acer wants to ... Rivals of the Acer ultrabook are the HP Envy 14 Spectre (Intel Core i5-2467M, ...
Review Acer Aspire Timeline Ultra M3-581TG Ultrabook ... 2012年3月23日 - "Ultrabook XL" is one way of describing the Acer Aspire Timeline Ultra M3 as the ...
Acer Timeline M5-481G (i7) VS (i5) - 行動電腦- 電腦領域HKEPC ... 樓主, 我剛剛比較過~Acer Timeline M5-481G 真係抵玩=] 如果俾我選...I5, 電腦野好 快OUT, 買咁貴做咩~
Acer Timeline M5-481G (i7) VS (i5)(頁1) - 行動電腦- 電腦領域HKEPC ... lai113ct 發表於2012-7-28 00:22. Acer Timeline M5-481G (i7) VS (i5). Intel® Core ™ i5 3317UB (1.7GHz, up to 2.60GHz ...
Acer Aspire TimelineU M5-481TG-6814 Review | Ultrabook ... 2012年7月30日 - Acer's 14-inch Aspire TimelineU M5-481TG-6814 is a lean, mean multimedia machine.