Acer Aspire 1830T Timeline X Review The Acer Aspire Timeline X series is the latest generation of thin and light notebooks from Acer designed to offer solid performance and long battery life in a surprisingly lightweight package. At first glance it’s easy to mistake the Aspire 1830T for one
Acer Aspire TimelineX 1830T - Netbook Reviews The Acer Aspire TimelineX 1830T has finally broken cover and has been officially announced by Acer. We have known of the Acer 1830T for sometime now, having seen it pass . ... The Acer Aspire TimelineX 1830T has finally broken cover and has been officiall
11.6 吋 Core i5 Acer TimelineX 1830T - 科技新聞 - ACER 討論區 - ePrice.HK 這次實測的 acer TimelineX 1830T 內建 Intel Core i5-430UM 處裡器,支援 Turbo Boost,時脈可從 1.2 GHz 超頻到 1.73 GHz。此外它內建 11.6 吋、1366 x 768 解析度螢幕,還有 2 GB DDR3 記憶體、500 GB 硬碟、Intel GMA HD 整合顯示晶片。
ACER TimelineX 1830T 系列 科技介紹 - ePrice.HK acer TimelineX 系列最小成員:11.6 吋的 1830T,採用銀色塗裝,外型設計其實和之前的 Aspire 1810T 很類似。不過新款的 1830T 上蓋採用網狀花紋裝飾,即使沒有鋁合金材質的好質感,外型依然是不錯看。另外,1830T 的機身厚度介於 25.7
買宏碁Acer Timeline X 1830T 筆電, 第1頁 @ beephone電信蜂 ... 宏碁 Timeline X 1830T Acer Core i5-430uM 筆電,宏碁 Aspire Timeline X 1830T Acer 比電腦展更便宜 筆電,Acer Timeline X 1830T 效能提昇不加價 筆電,Acer Timeline X 1830T i5 ...
11.6 吋Core i5 Acer TimelineX 1830T - ePrice.HK 手機 2010年8月29日 - acer TimelineX 系列筆電,由於是首款內建Intel Core i 標準電壓處裡器、同時又有著長效續航力的新世代機種。早前Acer 再在香港推出了11.6 吋超 ...
Acer Aspire TimelineX 1830T | Expert Reviews 2011年5月28日 - Acer Aspire TimelineX 1830T-38U4G64nki: The 11.6in screen may be too small for some people, but otherwise the 1.4kg 1830T has good ...
Acer Aspire TimelineX - 2010年10月22日 - Acer's high-end and extremely portable 11.6-inch TimelineX 1830T-68U118 offers a great combination of processor power and features that ...
Acer Timelinex 1830t 1830t 4830t 5650 5820TG acer acer aspire acer aspire timelinex Acer Timelinex Amd aspire Ati benchmark ...
Acer Aspire TimelineX 1830T Acer's 11.6-inch Aspire Timeline series has produced a number of strong performers below $600. But how ...