Kelvin's Blog | Life is a program you write everyday ~ Life is a program you write everyday ~ ... Starting from iOS 7, there are 2 ways to hide the status bar. One is to hide the status bar in all view controllers, while the other is controller specific.
iOS應用開發之ARC中如何運用@property 並且,delegate 和 Outlet 應該用 weak 屬性來聲明。同時,如上一回介紹的 iOS 5 之前的版本是沒有 __weak 關鍵字的,所以 weak 屬性是不能使用的。這種情況我們使用 unsafe ...
Cybersam |Cybersam This is a presentation I gave earlier this summer on user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) in software. I was motivated to share the lessons that I learned from my own projects as well as my observations I made from working with clients. As I refle | Scito te ipsum Now available on GitHub is version 1.1.0 of the open source iOS PDF Viewer App (based on the open source iOS PDF Reader Core): Changed ‘unsafe_unretained’ to ‘weak’. Pulled in PDF Reader Core for iOS v2.7.1 code. Updated the project for Xcode 5.0 (iOS 6 i
如何判斷iOS設備硬體型號 - SegmentFault 專業面向開發者的中文技術問答社區 ... 跟鏈接的方法區别在於前面加了個感嘆號 !,這樣是不是覺得好記多了呢?
Automatic Reference Counting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In Objective-C and Swift programming, Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a memory management enhancement where the burden of keeping track of an object's reference count is lifted from the programmer to the compiler.[1] In traditional Objective-C, the
OSX的動畫實現(三)——自定義NSAnimation | 老譚 在前面的文章有介紹到如何使用AppKit中提供的NSViewAnimation來實現,但通過看到類的繼承關係可以發現,NSViewAnimation是繼承於NSAnimation的,但卻沒有介紹如何使用NSAnimation,其實NSAnimation是和CAAnimatio...
carrier gas page - United States Home | Agilent Detector Unretained Compound FID methane, butane 1 ECD methylene chloride 2,3, dichlorodifluoromethane NPD acetonitrile 4 TCD, MS methane, butane 1, air PID, ELCD vinyl chloride 1. From a disposable lighter. 2. Place 1-2 drops in an autosampler ...
Everything you need to know about automatic reference counting (ARC) | Learn & Master Cocos2D Game D __bridge = assign, retain count remains the same (similar to __unsafe_unretained) __bridge_retain = retain count +1 __bridge_transfer = retain count -1 If you do: void* data = (__bridge void*)myObject; and myObject has no other strong reference elsewhere,
Associated Objects - NSHipster Behavior @property Equivalent Description OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN @property (assign) or @property (unsafe_unretained) Specifies a weak reference to the associated object. OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC @property (nonatomic ...