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惠而浦台灣區總代理-花旗精品家電 加入會員 訂閱電子報: 自102/1/1起買花旗惠而浦全系列新品冷氣機享壓縮機7年保固 自102年1月1日起,購買花旗惠而浦冷氣機,享有壓縮機7年保固 ...more 花旗精品家電 | 客服電話: 0809-010-666 | 客服信箱: cs@wwa.com.tw © 2010 創世紀資訊 ...
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Whirlpool Corporation - Home Whirlpool Corporation is a leading manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances, with annual sales of approximately $18 billion in 2012, 68,000 employees, and 65 manufacturing and technology research centers around the world. The company markets ...
Whirlpool 加入會員 訂閱電子報: 電冰箱 電暖器 洗衣機 乾衣機 微波爐 除濕機 冷氣機 吸塵器 空氣清淨機 極智對開門系列 設計師系列 凱旋門系列 對開門系列 上下門系列 泛亞系列 新變頻1級系列 葉片式電暖器 陶瓷電暖器
Whirlpool | Appliances for the Home, Kitchen, and Laundry Room The Official Whirlpool Site. You'll find product and support information for all of our home, kitchen, and laundry appliances. ... *Among leading brand French Door Refrigerators with external refrigerated drawers based on combined refrigerator and freezer
Whirlpool - 購物搜尋結果
Whirlpool | Kitchen, Laundry & Home Appliances Shop Whirlpool washers, clothes dryers, refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers, water filters and accessories direct from Whirlpool. ... *Versus a conventional oven with a 12–14 lb turkey using TimeSavor Plus True Convection. Not all features are available on
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