車輛:N比例,其他比例,HO比例,HO比例 - Yahoo!奇摩拍賣 最多熱賣車輛:N比例,其他比例,HO比例,HO比例,盡在Yahoo!奇摩拍賣 ... 【奇卡電精選】四軸飛行器~性能優!自帶保護框!比JD385讚! 2.4G遙控飛機 F180遙控直升機 目前出價: 1,080 元
N軌 - 维基百科 N軌是 線路 軌距 為9mm,比例為1/148~1/160的鐵道模型規格的總稱。小形模型的其中外國以 HO軌 ( OO軌 )為主流,N軌是在 日本 及 台灣 最普及的鐵路模型。在海外,特別是美國一般稱作N比例(N Scale),在中國稱作N規,在臺灣則稱為 N ...
N scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia N scale is a popular model railway scale. Depending upon the manufacturer (or country), the scale ranges from 1:148 to 1:160. In all cases, the gauge (the distance between the rails) is 9 mm or 0.354 in. The term N gauge ...
nScale.net - Recent Articles I was able to get a lot of N scale 2sk21 Today, 07:42 AM Maggies and trains don't mix Well... did you feed him? I cant help but think he (or she) was angry that you might not have been giving out free food Phill91 Today, 05:38 AM Maggies and trains don't
N Scale Supply N-Scale Supply is a model railroad retailer who deals exclusively in N scale. The site has pages for each of the manufacturers they carry with text and pricing for each product. Most have pictures and links to the manufacturers pages as well. Order by pho
CM947 N比例鐵道模型入門篇 - 中國之翼出版社 兵器戰術圖解雜誌 CM947 N比例鐵道模型入門篇 (訂價570元 600g) 26×21.5 ,128彩圖頁;本書為N比例鐵道模型的基礎知識與必備設施之解說;包括N比例的誕生、各式機車頭與客貨車箱熱門商品目錄、模型組合與噴漆工具、塑膠射出與金屬蝕刻片的組裝和市售車輛完成品改裝 ...
N Scale Model Railroads and Trains | eBay Visit eBay for great deals in N Scale Model Railroads and Trains. Shop eBay! ... It looks like you included personal information in your comments. Please make sure you remove email addresses, user IDS, item numbers, and other personal information from you
yenhwa:N比例漁港模型與法國紅豬 - 樂多日誌 這是即將上市的TOMYTEC出品的N比例(1/150)場景模型,一套有三組(分別是漁港A、B、C),看起來挺有意思的!雖然我沒玩鐵道模...
技術及經驗交流 - Taiwan Mini Train Club,小火車聚樂部模型,跳蚤市場,Layout,郵購,model,train 資料來源: JASON LEE 刊登日期: 2003/5/25 新聞主題: N scale (9mm) 的典故由來. 新聞內容: 早期的 N 軌又叫N gauge, 做的並非很精細有點像玩具,但後來因為車友認為它是有實物且按比例縮小因而改稱之為 N Scale。 此規格是由前西德 ARNOLD-RAPIDO公司 ...
N Scale | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More |eBay Shop huge inventory of N Scale Lot, N Scale Locomotive, N Scale Buildings and more in Miscellaneous Toy N Scale Model Railroads and Trains on eBay. Find great deals and get free shipping. ... Your Guide to N Scale Model Railroads Many people who have ...