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汽車導航 | 產品資訊 | Garmin - 衛星導航 ‧ 全球第一 Garmin成立於1990年,主要從事導航和通訊產品之研發、製造及銷售,在航空、航海 ... 車用衛星導航 (19) 車載式衛星導航 (1) 重機衛星導航 (1) 配件 (14) 停產產品 (18) ... 關於Garmin 最新消息 新聞稿 系統認證 / 政策聲明 公司簡介 營運據點
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Garmin | United States | Home Delivering innovative GPS technology across diverse markets, including aviation, marine, fitness, outdoor recreation, tracking and mobile apps. ... Auto Guidance Create a route your boat can follow and avoid obstacles, shallow water and more.
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Garmin Connect - Upload, Analyze and Explore Running, Cycling and Outdoor Activities Garmin Connect is a community-based website for runners, cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts who track their activities with Garmin devices. Garmin Connect makes it easy to upload, store, analyze, map and share activities online.
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Garmin部落格. Garmin部落格是個開放的分享平台,文章內容包含使用技巧、軟體/地圖資訊及使用心得。 如果有任何Garmin產品的相關問題,可直接與Garmin客服聯絡: 客服專線:02-2642-9199 Garmin Blog將不會對不符內容主題的文章做回覆!
Virb Action Camera | Garmin you pair VIRB with other Garmin products to record your heart rate, cadence, plus outside temperature. VIRB Elite adds accelerometer, altimeter and high-sensitivity GPS, allowing you to include the data that matters to you. While Sky Diving, chart your pu