FIR_百度百科 FIR,Five In A Row的缩写,五子棋的一种英文称呼。现代五子棋的日文称之为“连珠”,故也称为连珠五子棋。五子棋容易上手,老少皆宜,而且趣味横生,引人入胜;不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性。
Fir | Define Fir at c.1300; O.E. had furhwudu "pine wood," but the modern word is more likely from O.N. fyri- "fir" or O.Dan. fyr, all from P.Gmc. *furkhon (cf. O.H.G. foraha, Ger. Föhre "fir"), from PIE base *perkos, originally "oak" (cf. Skt. paraktah "the holy fig tree,"
fir 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 - 英漢字典 (English-Chinese Dictionary) FIR supports synchronous communications at 4 Mbps (and 1.115 Mbps?), at a distance of up to 1 metre. (1999-10-14) 資料來源(6): 21c [21c] fir [fʒ; fә:] 1 (C)‘植物’樅樹 2 (U)樅木 資料來源(7): Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary [easton] Fir the in V., "") ...
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