MacBook Pro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The MacBook Pro is a line of Macintosh portable computers introduced in January 2006 by Apple Inc., and now in its third generation. Replacing the PowerBook G4, the MacBook Pro was the second model, after the iMac, to be ...
MacBook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The MacBook was a brand of notebook computers manufactured by Apple Inc. from early 2006 to late 2011. It replaced the iBook series and 12-inch PowerBook series of notebooks as a part of the Apple–Intel transition from ...
Apple - Mac Apple corporate website includes features and information.
Refurbished Mac Computers - Refurbished Notebooks & Desktop Computers - Apple Store (U.S.) Shop refurbished Mac notebooks and computers including MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac Pro, and MacBook Air. All refurbished Apple computers and notebooks are certified and tested by Apple, with a 1-year warranty. ... Loading Check Order Status Find out estimated
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Apple MacBook Pro MD101LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop (2012) - Amazon The Apple MacBook Pro features Intel's new third-generation Core architecture for a boost in processor and memory speeds. New next-generation graphics deliver performance levels that are up to 60 percent faster than before. And high-speed Thunderbolt I/O
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[敗家] 2011 MacBook Pro 15" + 120GB SSD + 8GB RAM 台灣版開箱 (更新:03/31 改裝第二顆硬碟) (第1頁) - Mac筆記型電腦 - Mobile01 從去年開始我就想換 Apple 的電腦,當時做了不少功課,因為在 MacRumors Buyer's Guide 上面,提到 Apple 在去年 2010 年底推出了新款的 15" 以及 17" MacBook Pro,網站建議買家稍安勿燥 (Don't Buy - Updates soon),今年將會推出全新的 MacBook Pro 。