《Canon 7D Mark II》最新Canon旗艦單眼續作 規格全面放出!? 雖然之前國外也有傳言這款7D Mark II將會選在今年2月發表亮相,甚至日本也有雜誌搶先針對其規格進行預測,但眼看2月就快過完了還是連個機影都沒見到,揪~竟能不能在今年結束前看到這款7D Mark II 問世(?)相信也會是現在所有相機迷最~最關心的 ...
Canon EOS 7D Mark II in 2014 [CR2] « Canon Rumors Lots of talk There is lots of talk about the successor to the Canon EOS 7D. For the last 6 months we have written that the EOS 70D would move up rung in features in the EOS lineup, as such the EOS 7D Mark II will be doing the same thing. We’re told two ..
Canon 7D Mark II 規格外洩:可能具備 2400萬畫素,得等到明年才現身? | DIGIPHOTO-用鏡頭享受生命 原本一直謠傳將在今年發表的 Canon 7D Mark II ,想必許多攝影玩家已翹首盼望到脖子僵硬了吧,根據海外網站最新消息,聽說 Canon 還在為 7D Mark II 進行感光元件的測試,將在2000萬畫素與2400萬畫素之間做抉擇,且預計要到明年才能與大家見面的樣子。
《Canon 7D Mark II》最新款Canon旗艦單眼續作 傳最快今年二月發表!? ... 還記得之前早就不斷有謠傳說~咱們Canon本家即將就要在新年推出全新一款旗艦單眼Canon EOS 7D Mark II對吧~~甚至之前國外也有流出過它的最新傳言規格~給相機迷看過 ...
Canon 7D Mark II « NEW CAMERA According to latest Rumors Canon 7D Mark II viewfinder will have 100% coverage with a a magnification of 1.15, but the 7D already have a viewfinder 100% coverage and 1.0x magnification ratio, no big change here. Earlier the same source also said that the
Canon 7D Mark II « NEW CAMERA 2014年6月19日 - Canon 7D Mark II may feature a foveon type Sensor (not confirmed yet) and after ... New Sensor technology used; Good price point; Release by Autumn ... specification and image as the announcement date will come closer.
Canon EOS 7D Mark II | Facebook Here are a new specs list on Canon EOS 7D Mark II, the source is from a person who has shot with the EOS ... The EOS 7D has released for about 5 years, maybe it is time ..... Andrew Wale Good to see the 7DMkII could have a release date.
Canon 7D Mark II 規格外洩:可能具備2400萬畫素,得等到 ... 2013年8月21日 - 兩種感光元件推測應和即將在台上市的 70D 一樣,採用雙像素CMOS自動對焦技術。為了將7D Mark II與70D區隔,Canon似乎想從感光能力優先 ...
A Leaked List of Specs for an Upcoming Canon 7D Mark II 2013年2月19日 - A Leaked List of Specs for an Upcoming Canon 7D Mark II ... 7D's price point, pushing the camera into the price range of full frame cameras.
Canon EOS 7D Mark II Due in 2014? - Photography Bay 2013年7月10日 - Rumored specs suggest it will remain an APS-C format camera, contrary to older rumors that the 7D Mark II would step up into the full frame ...