賀壽詞大集合 - 箴美禮品 2011年10月27日 - 賀壽詞大集合-賀壽時說什麽不再困難_賀壽詞一: 各位親友、各位 ... 今天我們親友歡聚,高朋滿座,喜氣盈盈,共同祝賀親家高壽,祝福他福如東海,壽比南山,健康長壽。 ... 家公和親家母九十大壽,百歲大壽時,我們再相聚一堂,為他老人家祝福。 ... 有一村校書年70,買一妾才30歲,正巧蘇東坡杖藜經過,老校書乞為壽 ...
70th Birthday Wishes and Sayings: What to Write in a Card Plus, it may be the first milestone birthday after retirement. Use a funny saying to tickle the wit and humor most 70-year-old people have, or send a really sincere ...
Free Card Verses for Birthday Age Cards 61-70 Greetings Cards 70 YEARS OLD TODAY by Hilda Mullinger. Happy Birthday old chap and many more of them. May good health and happiness be yours in the future. Cheers ...