22K算什麼? 21K 的7-11 專職大夜班... [論壇存檔] - 滄者極限 好廉價的7-11 大夜班(PM 11:00 ~ AM 07:00) 為什麼? 今天領到"一個月"的薪水了21k 扣掉勞健保扣掉體檢費實領$20375 ... 做6休1 從沒遲到沒早退21k 有包含 ...
想在7-11打工+10 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 在7-11打工要做甚麼事??在7-11打工會比在外面在大餐廳(辦婚宴那種)打工辛苦嗎? ?順便問一下7-11的工讀時薪多少?? ... 發問時間:, 2013-06-14 21:29:42. 解決時間: , 2013-06-28 13:02: ...
7-11時薪問題- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 我去我家附近7-11面試店長跟我說剛進去時新75 之後會再調為95店長跟我說薪水是 ... 發問時間:, 2013-06-19 15:24:13 .... 如果只是想體驗打工賺錢的話,可以嘗試,但 建議不要做長時間的,如果是有金錢 ...
7-11試用期7天沒過說不計薪開怎麼辦賭爛? @ 律師:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: Mar 23 Sat 2013 16:25 ... 我就直接跟他們那位打來的同事講:因為我不太適合7-11 的工作,所以我沒有意願要過去了! ... 照勞基法規定基本時薪95元,他給人家這樣 降到70元就已經非常過分了! .... 2013: 打工被店家坑; 2013: 律師、心理醫師的薪水 ?
PCDVD數位科技討論區- 現在才知道...7-11薪水這麼高... 因為7-11薪水不只時薪連新手一定績效獎金2千起跳以上. ... 法非常多的大概70 還用 試用期壓人妳稍微打開報紙其實也不難找台北市的7-11大夜新手有3.4萬的起跳薪水 更別說是資深副店店長 .... 如果一定要做-4,一定要到直營店上班.
南美洲(秘魯, 玻利維亞)自由行遊記2013 其之七 – 無盡的天空之鏡 (Uyuni鹽湖Tour – 上篇) | Busy Holiday 坐了兩程長途飛機, 再轉內陸機, 又坐晚通宵巴士, 終於來到了傳說中的「天空之鏡」! 天空之鏡本名為烏尤尼鹽湖(Salar de Uyuni), 因為大幅平地上的鹽晶體在雨後會產生反射, 形成天地合一的全倒影景象, 非常壯觀! 站在鏡上有如踏在天上的雲海中, 好PS過的 ...
Minimum wage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The minimum wage in the United States is set by a network of federal, state, and local statutes. Workers generally must be paid no less than the statutory minimum wage as specified by either the federal, state, or local government. As of July 2009, the fe
Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 : The Economics Daily : Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 March 25, 2013 In 2012, there were 3.6 million hourly paid workers in the United States with wages at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. These workers made up 4.
Should We Raise the Minimum Wage? 11 Questions and Answers — The Atlantic 2013 was a good year for supporters of a higher minimum wage. States including New York, California, and New Jersey passed hikes. Residents of SeaTac, Washington, voted to turn their tiny city into a living economics experiment by increasing its minimum t
Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Lift Wages for Millions and Provide a Modest Econom E arlier this year, EPI released an analysis of the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013, a bill introduced by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) that would raise the federal minimum wage in three incremental increases of $0.95 from its c