019-只能收信,卻不能發信?(550 Relaying Denied) - 斌斌小站 - 痞客 ... 問題:我的Outlook Express 拿來收信都沒有問題,可是,如果要寄信的話,就會出現「 被伺服器拒絕」之類的錯誤訊息,這是怎麼回事呢? 無法傳送郵件,因為有一位收 ...
113-只能寄內部,對外卻不能發信?(550 Relaying Denied ... 我是在公司上網,用公司的SMTP,怎麼還會出現relay access denied ? 回答:公司網域地址的email 送出 ...
113 只能寄內部,對外卻不能發信(550 Relaying Denied ... (550 Relaying Denied)問題:買了新的手提電腦帶到公司使用,我是照著桌上電腦 ... 我是在公司上網,用公司的SMTP,怎麼還會出現relay access denied 呢? 回答:.
550 or 553 Relay Denied Error (Windows) - Eudora When sending mail in Eudora, the error message "550 Relay Denied" is given ... Most Internet Service Providers restrict access to their outgoing mail servers to ...
Troubleshoot 550, 553, and relay-prohibited errors - Outlook Relaying Denied', Port: 25, Secure (SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error ... that provides access to the Internet for such things as electronic mail, chat rooms, or use ...
113-只能寄內部,對外卻不能發信?(550 Relaying Denied) @ 斌斌小站 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 適用範圍:Outlook Express 提醒:無。 問題:買了新的手提電腦帶到公司使用,我是照著桌上電腦的 POP3/ SMTP 設定來設 email,收信都很正常,但寄信時,如果收信人不是 ...
PS01032724: 550 Relaying Denied error - Support.Persits.Com: The Persits Software Knowledge Base Problem Description AspEmail generates the following error when trying to send a message: 550 Relaying Denied Other variations of this error for different SMTP implementations include: 550 Unable to relay for email address 550 Relaying is prohibited 550 T
Oracle Apps Technology: Relaying denied 550 5.7.1 Relaying denied error was received during this test: Login to appserver.justanexample.com telnet pluto.justanexample.com 25 MAIL FROM:pink.panther@justanexample.com 250 2.1.0 pink.panther@justanexample.com... Sender ok RCPT TO:anthony.gonsalves@ ...
20120920_伺服器錯誤: '550 5.7.1 ... Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed []' @ tnipipi的部落 問題: A公司使用者寄給B公司使用者,結果A使用者收到退信如下 下列收件者無法送達: 伺服器錯誤: '550 5.7.1 ... Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed []' 測試:nslookup > server ...
550 relaying denied - 相關部落格