宏均國際有限公司- SH2417菖蒲鷹款武士刀 編號:AS-3321 品名:SH2417菖蒲鷹款武士刀 售價:14,800 柄長:33.5cm 刃長:75.5cm 重量:1200g 材質簡介: 刀刃- 5160高碳鋼手工鍛造,等溫淬火,刃口硬度 ...
Does anybody know about 5160 High Carbon Steel? I don't know much about knives and I need to learn about 5160 High Carbon Steel. Is it a good quality steel for making knives compared to INFI, BG42, ATS34, ...
Torture Testing 1095 and 5160 blade steel - YouTube Designer and knifemaker Derick Rougeau torture tests 1095 and 5160 steel to be ... Katana cut test - Testing two Katanas (1095 and 1060 high carbon steel) ...