Canon EOS 60D現身,又一樁悲情產品? | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 EOS 50D的後繼機EOS 60D在EOS 7D和EOS 550D夾攻下,一度以為是被Canon放棄的孤兒;今天Canon終於正式公佈EOS 60D的資訊,採用與EOS 7D和EOS 550D相同的1千8百萬畫素APS-C感光元件,並加入Full HD錄影功能以及翻轉螢幕,也改採SD記憶卡。
DCView 數位視野 - 文章總覽 - Canon EOS-60D - 評測 #1 外觀操作篇 50D vs 60D vs 7D 在本文正式開始前,讓我們一同先以規格表整理的方式,看看60D和上代50D及7D 的差別,看看三者的異同。 7D 60D 50D 感光元件 18MP APS-C CMOS 15MP APS-C CMOS 機身材質 鋁鎂合金 聚碳酸酯及玻璃纖維 鋁鎂合金 快門範圍 30s~1 ...
50d vs 60d - 相關部落格
Canon 50D vs 60D - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Canon 50D vs Canon 60D to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: movie format, color depth, screen flips out, shutter lag and screen resolution ... Canon EOS 50D Competitors Advantages Disadvantages No significant ...
50D vs 60D vs 7D @ s810802 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 50D vs 60D vs 7D vs 60D vs 7D在本文正式開始前,讓我們一 ... 【Basic4Android (Anywhere Software)入門範例】(2014) 【Basic4Android (Anywhere Software)入門準備】(2014) 【MIT App Inventor 2 (AI2 ...
Canon 50D vs 60D - Canon Camera Reviews Finding just the right camera can be confusing because there are so many digital cameras on the market. Here is a very simple Canon 50D vs 60D comparison that just might help ... The Canon 50D vs 60D comparison is easy to get caught up in. The prices have
Specifications - Canon EOS 50D vs Canon EOS 60D View all the technical specifications of the Canon EOS 50D vs the Canon EOS 60D side by side, including details about the sensor, form factor, lens, movie capability and more. ... “This combination of Renaissance Faire and photo stats sets our nerdy heart
Picturing Change · Canon 50D vs. 60D I know a lot of readers are interested in a review comparing the Canon 60D vs. 50D. The EOS 60D was recently released, and has caused a lot of discussion as to how it fits into the Canon xxD lineup and progression. I wrote a bit about this comparison in a
Re: 50D vs. 60D: Canon EOS 7D / 10D - 70D Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review ... 50D vs. 60D In reply to archiebald, Jan 1, 2011 archiebald wrote: He even claimed it somehow broke his glasses..... go figure!!! I don't claim what didn't happen. I - for the first time - bent my spectacle frame which is due to the changed exit pupil
Re: 50D vs. 60D: Canon EOS 7D / 10D - 70D Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review ... 50D vs. 60D In reply to cornel4web, Jan 1, 2011 For me (after trying it for 6 weeks) the 60D isn't an option. The 60D has the better sensor but the body is IMHO construction, that is fine but the UI is unworthy for a Canon DSLR, relying too much on th