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Kisuke Urahara - Bleach Wiki - Your guide to the Bleach manga and anime series Appearance Kisuke is a tall, lean-built man with light skin and gray eyes. His hair is messy and light-blond (almost pale), with strands framing the sides of the face and hanging between his eyes, and he has chin stubble. He wears a dark coat, which sport
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Polonium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Polonium has 33 known isotopes, all of which are radioactive. They have atomic masses that range from 188 to 220 u. 210 Po (half-life 138.376 days) is the most widely available. The longer-lived 209 Po (half-life 125.2 ± 3.3 years, longest-lived of all po
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Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Late on 22 November, Litvinenko's heart failed; the official time of death was 9:21 P.M.at University College Hospital in London. Litvinenko's autopsy took place on 1 December. Litvinenko had ingested polonium-210, a poisonous radioactive isotope. Mario .
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