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臺灣 - 维基百科 臺灣 是位於 亚洲 東部、 太平洋 西北側的 島嶼 ,另有 寶島 、 鯤島 、 福爾摩沙 等別稱。地處 琉球群岛 與 菲律賓群島 之間,西隔 臺灣海峽 與 歐亞大陸 相望;面積約3.6萬 平方公里 ,其中7成為 山地 與 丘陵 , 平原 則主要集中於 西 ...
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Project Reality: Realistic Gaming Redefined Project Reality is a realitic, modern Battlefield 2 modification. The mod features a variety of new nations, including the complete British Army.
Mod (subculture) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A mod revival started in the late 1970s in the United Kingdom, with thousands of mod revivalists attending scooter rallies in locations such as Scarborough and the Isle of Wight. This revival was partly inspired by the 1979 film Quadrophenia and by mod-in
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