Black Dahlia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "The Black Dahlia" was a nickname given to Elizabeth Short[2][3][4] (July 29, 1924 – c. January 15, 1947), an American woman who was the victim of a gruesome and much-publicized murder. Short acquired the moniker posthumously by newspapers in the habit of
The Black Dahlia (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Black Dahlia is a 2006 American neo noir crime thriller film directed by Brian De Palma. It is drawn from a novel of the same name by James Ellroy, writer of L.A. Confidential and starred Josh Hartnett, Scarlett Johansson, Aaron Eckhart and Hilary Swa
The Black Dahlia Movie About Beth Short, aka The Black Dahlia, found murdered in January of 1947. Now a major motion picture - James Ellroy and Brian DePalma. Cold Case Files recently capped an ...
The Devil's Muse (2007) - IMDb Directed by Ramzi Abed. With Kristen Kerr, Lizzy Strain, Trent Haaga, Sarah Scott. An unforgettable journey into the darkness and mystery of Hollywood's most famous unsolved murder case. When the beautiful Lisa Small gets the chance to play the tragic vic
The Black Dahlia (2006) - Rotten Tomatoes: Movies | TV Shows | Movie Trailers | Reviews Critics Consensus: Though this ambitious noir crime-drama captures the atmosphere of its era, it suffers from subpar performances, a convoluted story, and the inevitable comparisons to other, more successful films of its genre. ... Movie Info A tale of ob
Black Dahlia - Biography - - Nicknamed "the Black Dahlia," Elizabeth Short was brutally murdered in Los Angeles in 1947, her body cut in half and severely mutilated. The Black Dahlia's killer was never found, making her murder one of the oldest cold case files in L.A. to date, and th
黑色大理花懸案@ 重新定義新的我! :: 痞客邦PIXNET :: ... 的我很努力地想要找一個形容詞來描述這部片「還不至於到爛,但真的說不下值得 花時間看」...... 片名:黑色大理花懸案(The Black Dahlia) 年份:2006 (我完全不敢相.
【電影預告】黑色大理花懸案(The Black Dahlia, 2006) - YouTube 2013年2月2日 - 2 分鐘 - 上傳者:twitainet1 部落格: 粉絲團:
藍可兒的好姐妹--黑色大理花懸案- b950029的創作- 巴哈姆特 2013年6月29日 ... 很多人對"黑色大理花懸案"並不陌生,它有小說、電影(目前我正在攻讀小說中)。電影 的話,說穿了只有一個"悶"字,花了兩三次才把它看完,而且內容 ...