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漢語拼音與通用拼音對照表 - 教育部全球資訊網 漢語拼音與通用拼音對照表 98.03.26 注音符號 漢語拼音 通用拼音 ㄅ b b ㄆ p p ㄇ m m ㄈ f f ㄉ d d ㄊ t t ㄋ n n ㄌ l l ㄍ g g ㄎ k k ㄏ h h ㄐ j ji ㄑ q ci ㄒ x si ㄓ zh ...
The Matrix Online - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Matrix Online (also known as Matrix Online) was a massively multiplayer online game developed by Monolith Productions. It was the official continuation of the storyline of the Matrix series of films. The game began closed beta-testing in June 2004 whi
Money supply - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia M0: In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, M0 includes bank reserves, so M0 is referred to as the monetary base, or narrow money. MB: is referred to as the monetary base or total currency. This is the base from which other forms of money (like che
Matrox Video Products for Mac and PC - H.264 Encoding - Realtime Editing - I/O Devices Matrox VS4 Quad HD-SDI capture card for Telestream Wirecast Pro for PC Read more > Matrox Mojito MAX SDI/HDMI/analog HD/SD video and professional audio I/O card Read ...
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Baka-Updates Manga - Mx0 Let me begin by saying that the ending of Mx0 is weak, because it was axed due to lack of popularity. Disregarding the ending, this manga is a beacon of hope that shows how romance and action can work together in a shounen manga without neglecting one or
Tanki Online - Firebird m1, Hornet m0 - Silence CTF (Quick Battle) [HD] - YouTube Trying out firebird's "burning" effect on a quick battle in silence. Firebird m1, Hornet m0, Jaguar, Silence (Summer), Capture the Flag "Pinball Spring" by Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com) Play the game free at: http://www.tankionline.com/en Made by Ganesh