洗髮精/我的頭皮很油,但頭髮很乾、很毛,怎麼辦? - 妙媽-FG BEAUTY美妝 ... 2006年4月28日 ... 如題: 我的頭皮很油,但頭髮很乾、很毛,怎麼辦? 我到底該如何選洗髮精及潤絲精 或護髮乳呢? 不知有沒有人和我一樣的情況? 有沒有人已找到 ...
HowStuffWorks "Scalp Oils" If you're looking for the right way to moisturize a dry scalp, know that the answer doesn't always lie with shampoos and conditioners. Scalp oils help to moisturize ...
3 Ways To Treat Dry Scalp, Naturally - Natural Hair Rules!!! During the winter, you may find that your scalp is drier than other times of the year and this is normal. The key to combating dry scalp is to incorporate natural oils ...