政大NPO-EMBA平台 [2011 政大NPO公益 論壇] Loading... 公益伙伴 台灣非營利事業經營管理協會 政大社區學習研究發展中心 中華民國社會事業發展協會 ...
社團法人台灣居家服務策略聯盟 - 台灣公益資訊中心 機構名稱 社團法人台灣居家服務策略聯盟 機構代碼 6220 執行長 涂心寧 連絡人 蔡小姐 電話 02-8252-8508 傳真 02-2250-0403 網址 http://www.homecare.org.tw/pro/Default.asp 電子郵件 service@thsa.org.tw 地址 新北市板橋區文化路二段453號3樓
Strategic alliance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A strategic alliance is an agreement between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon objectives needed while remaining independent organizations. This form of cooperation lies between mergers and acquisitions and organic growth. Partners may pr
Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals Founded in 1998, the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) is a professional association committed to elevating and promoting the profession and discipline of alliance management. ASAP is the only organization dedicated to providing tools
博客來-非營利組織的經營管理 本書國內第一本針對非營利組織的管理經營所寫的著作。司徒達賢教授,傾二十餘年經營管理之經驗,花費三年,為非營利組織(如大學、寺廟、基金會等法人團體)在存在使命、執行策略、服務導向、人員訓練、資源募款、績效管理、行銷作法和決策 ...
非營利組織名錄 - 台灣公益資訊中心 創辦人 張月美 成立日期 2004/4/10 許可機關 高雄市政府社會局 郵政劃撥 42189102 高雄市忘憂草憂鬱防治協會 成立主旨 提供病友及家屬有關憂鬱防治的專屬平台,與全方位協調和病友生理、心理及與社會之平衡。
Nonprofit Affiliations, Contractual Relationship, Strategic Alliance, Consolidation, Merger Describes four basic models of nonprofit affiliation. ... Nonprofit Law Resource Library Mergers, Affiliations & Reorganizations Nonprofit Affiliations: Four Basic Models Contractual Relationship.
Nonprofit Management Fund - Non Profit Managment Fund BoardStar Inc: Building Better BOARDS! BoardStar Inc., formerly a strategic initiative of the Nonprofit Management Fund, is Wisconsin's only resource dedicated to an effective community of Board leaders.
Center for Nonprofit Resources - Center for Nonprofit Resources Strategic Alliance Grant RFP Now Online The Strategic Alliance Partnership (SAP) Grant Opportunity is now accepting Letters of Inquiry for the spring round of funding. Visit our SAP grants page for information and the link to the online application at htt
Nonprofit Marketplace - Center for Nonprofit Resources Nonprofit Marketplace The Nonprofit Marketplace page is a central location for organizations and/or individuals to post items they would like to make available to nonprofit organizations (either for free or for purchase). If you are interested in posting