阿富汗戰爭 (2001年) - 维基百科 背景 [编辑] 在 戰爭爆發之前大約一週,美國總統喬治布殊向塔利班政府發出最後通諜,要求他們: 把基地组织高層成員交給美國 釋放所有被監禁的外國人 保護在 ...
War in Afghanistan (2001–present) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the war in Afghanistan from 2001 onwards. For the previous phases of this conflict, ...
阿富汗戰爭 (1979年) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 1979年阿富汗戰爭原稱「阿富汗戰爭」,是指1979年12月末,蘇聯入侵阿富汗導致的長達10年的戰爭。這次入侵被認為是蘇聯對外政策的重大失敗。 1973年阿富汗共和國成立後,蘇聯即支持激進的政黨如阿富汗人民民主黨,加緊使阿富汗在經濟上依賴蘇聯 ...
Afghanistan War Blog: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News Big News on Afghanistan War Blog. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Afghanistan War Blog. ... Nearly 80 Afghan police have died every week during the current fighting season, officials said Tuesday, as the national security forces...
阿富汗戰爭 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
War in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The terms Afghan War or War in Afghanistan may refer to: Conquest of Afghanistan by Alexander the Great (330 BCE – 327 BCE) Islamic conquest of Afghanistan (637–709) Conquest of Afghanistan by the Mongol Empire (13th century), see Mongol invasion of Centr
Rethink Afghanistan - Official Site Help drive public and insider opinion against the war until the administration brings our men, women, and tax dollars home. ... In January 2009, the media narrative in the U.S. favored increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan, bending the public opi
Afghanistan War | Infoplease.com - Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Diction Afghanistan War, 1978–92, conflict between anti-Communist Muslim Afghan guerrillas and Afghan government and Soviet forces. The conflict had ... More on Afghanistan War from Infoplease: U.S. Embassy Bombings - Primer on the Embassy Bombings and the U ...
Afghanistan: ABC News' Coverage of the War in Afghanistan - ABC News Click here to see ABC News' coverage of the War in Afghanistan. ... AFGHANISTAN WITHDRAWAL: 'Congress Is Almost Always Impatient,' Robert Gates Says AFGHANISTAN WITHDRAWAL: 'Congress Is Almost Always Impatient,' Robert Gates Says
Afghanistan: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News Big News on Afghanistan. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Afghanistan. ... The number of times that Sen. McCain hasn't just been wrong, but deadly wrong, on matters of our security is nearly impossible to count.