道德风险- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 在保險市場,道德風險發生在,當被保險人行為某種程度的改變,導致保險公司的 費用提高,因為被保險人不用再負擔行為的所有費用,也由於 ...
對怎樣降低投保人逆向選擇和道德風險的問題分析_保險學 ... 2012年12月13日 - 【摘要】在保險業中,由於信息不對稱,保險人面臨的投保人的逆向選擇和道德風險,严重制約了保險業的發展,引起了業界的普遍關註。本文通過對 ...
Moral hazard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In economic theory, a moral hazard is a situation in which a party is more likely to take risks because the costs that could result will not be borne by the party taking the risk. In other words, it is a tendency to be more willing to take a risk, knowing
Economics 101: Moral Hazard - YouTube This CF&P Foundation's Economics 101 video discusses the Moral Hazard, which occurs when bad choices are subsidized. This often happens when government intervention lets people take risks while having little or no skin in the game. Housing policies, for i
RAND and the Moral Hazard: Healthcare Triage #10 - YouTube As we've explained in previous episodes, insurance is complicated. Even John gets confused (watch the video!). But there's a reason we have all these deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance. It's because of the moral hazard, and a very important research s
Moral Hazard in Economics: Definition & Examples | Education Portal Learn what a moral hazard is and why they exist between individuals and businesses. Find out some common examples of moral hazards and where the... ... In this case, mortgage companies faced a situation of moral hazard. Lenders knew they could underwrite
Oxford Journals | Law | Journal of Financial Regulation | Call for Papers Call for Papers Launch Conference Regulating Moral Hazard Inaugural Conference of the Journal of Financial Regulation Paris, France | July 11-12, 2014 Click here to view the conference programme Overview The threat of moral hazard has played an influentia
Moral Hazard (OAV) - Anime News Network Plot Summary: One day while walking home from school, a young college girl is followed by a creepy old man. She runs to a nearby park in an attempt to get away from him, but is captured by someone hiding in the shadows
Online Language Dictionaries - English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - Word rischio - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum. ... Principal Translations/Traduzioni principali rischiare⇒ vtr (mettere a repentaglio) endanger, jeopardize, risk vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for exampl
moral failure definition | English definition dictionary | Reverso moral failure definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'moral hazard',moral majority',moral philosophy',Moral Rearmament', Reverso dictionary, English definition, English vocabulary ... 1. [Rel.] expression used to describe metaphoricall