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address book definition, meaning - what is address book in the British English Dictionary & Thesauru address book - definition, meaning, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more. What is address book? a computer document that keeps a list of names and email addresses: See more in British English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionaries Online
How do I find my Address Book? - Incredimail Support Center Q: How do I open my Address Book? A: Your IncrediMail Address Book is a useful tool that enables you to organize and manage your email contacts list. To open the Address Book, simply click 'Addresses' (marked in red) in the IncrediMail main window .
YouTube Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. ... One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to YouTube Email Password Stay signed in For your convenience, keep this checked. On shared devices, additional precautions are recommended.
Windows Address Book - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Windows Address Book is a component of Microsoft Windows that lets users keep a single list of contacts that can be shared by multiple programs. It is most commonly used by Outlook Express. It was introduced with Internet Explorer 3 in 1996 and improved i