Clockwise (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Clockwise is a 1986 British comedy film starring John Cleese, directed by Christopher Morahan, written by Michael Frayn and produced by Michael Codron. The film's music was composed by George Fenton. For his performance Cleese won the 1987 Peter Sellers A
clockwise - definition of clockwise by The Free Dictionary clock·wise (klŏk′wīz′) adv. & adj. In the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock. clockwise (ˈklɒkˌwaɪz) adv, adj 1. (Horology) in the direction that the hands of a clock rotate; from top to bottom towards the right when seen from the front clock
Clockwise - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Full Definition of CLOCKWISE: in the direction in which the hands of a clock rotate as viewed from in front or as if standing on a clock face — clockwise adjective See clockwise defined for English-language learners See clockwise defined for kids One goos
Clockwise | Define Clockwise at The concept of handedness-of left and right, say, or of clockwise and anti-clockwise-is deceptively simple. Upon returning to the chair she spin one revolution counter-clockwise. As you move away from the image, they appear to rotate clockwise. It was not
Clockwise (1986) - IMDb Directed by Christopher Morahan. With John Cleese, Penny Leatherbarrow, Howard Lloyd-Lewis, Jonathan Bowater. An uncompromising British school headmaster finds himself beset by one thing going wrong after another.
Clockwise - Rotten Tomatoes Movie Info John Cleese's knack for mining hilarity from the growing frustration of a dignified gentleman is fully exploited in the British comedy Clockwise. Cleese portrays Brian Stimpson, a perfectionist English headmaster who has been selected to make a
Counter Clockwise (2015) - IMDb Directed by George Moïse. With Bruno Amato, Devon Ogden, Kerry Knuppe, Alice Rietveld. Counter Clockwise is a sci-fi thriller/dark comedy about a scientist who accidentally invents time travel and is zapped six months into the future. He finds himself in
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