Transformers (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Transformers is a 2007 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers toy line. The film, which combines computer animation with live-action, is directed by Michael Bay, with Steven Spielberg serving as ...
變形金剛:復仇之戰- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 遊戲系列出現在PlayStation(PS2、PS3)、XBOX 360、個人電腦(簡稱PC)、Wii、 NDS(NDSL、NDSi)、 ...
變形金剛3 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 麥可·貝曾表示它会是该系列的最后一部。 該片的第一男主角繼續由西亞·李畢福擔任 ,但擔任前两部第一女主角的梅根· ...
變形金剛(2007年電影) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 《变形金刚》(Transformers)是一部基于“变形金刚”玩具产品改编的2007年美国科幻 动作片 ... 男主角希亚·拉博夫和为擎天柱配音的彼得·庫倫的表现也获得了高度赞誉。 ... 3 制作. 3.1 发展; 3.2 设计; 3.3 拍摄; 3.4 特效; 3.5 音乐. 4 市场营销; 5 发行和反响.
變形金剛4:絕跡重生- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 《变形金刚4》将延续前三部的故事情节,但是人類的角色会更换,而制片人洛伦佐·迪· 博纳文图拉则说:“第四部将是全新的 ...
變形金剛(卡通) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 引起了話題。 故事內容是在敘述博派與狂派兩大變形金剛軍團之間的戰鬥。 目录. 1 第一季/ 第二季. 1.1 劇情概要; 1.2 註記. 2 電影版; 3 OVA; 4 第三季; 5 第四季; 6 第 五季; 7 註記; 8 參考資料 ... 美国在他的设计基础上修改角色面部表情,以区分善恶。
The Transformers: The Movie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1 Plot 2 Character deaths 3 Cast 3.1 Autobots 3.2 Decepticons 3.3 Others 4 Production 5 Release 6 Reception 7 Music 8 Commercial releases 9 Comic book adaptations ... Plot [edit] In 2005, Unicron, a roaming artificial planet, devours robot planet Lithone,
The Transformers: The Movie - Transformers Wiki The Transformers: The Movie is an animated feature film based on the original Transformers toyline. It was released in the United States on Friday, August 8, 1986. The film's storyline follows the same continuity as the Transformers cartoon. It introduces
Bumblebee (Movie) - Transformers Wiki Many years in the past, Bumblebee was hatched among the second generation since the rediscovery of the AllSpark and revival of Cybertron. Movie Prequel #1 He and Cliffjumper were guardians of the AllSpark at the Temple of Simfur. One day, Bumblebee ...
Bumblebee (Movie) - Teletraan I: the Transformers Wiki - Age of Extinction, Transformers: Prime, Fal Toy section The name or term Bumblebee refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of... ... Bumblebee, don't T-Bag the puny humans now, you need that to pee on an agent! The next day, Sam and his friend Miles drove Bumblebee down to the lake in