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All Nobel Prizes in Literature - Nobelprize.org Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize ... The Nobel Prize in Literature 1904 Frédéric Mistral "in recognition of the fresh originality and true inspiration of his poetic production, which faithfully reflects the natural scenery and nati
Literature.org - The Online Literature Library Classics at the Online Literature Library Aesop Louisa May Alcott James Matthew Barrie L. Frank Baum Anne Bronte Charlotte Bronte Emily Bronte Edgar Rice Burroughs Lewis Carroll Willa Cather Wilkie Collins Stephen Crane Charles Darwin Honore de Balzac ...
Russian literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Russian literature refers to the literature of Russia or its émigrés and to the Russian-language literature of several independent nations once a part of what was historically Rus', Russia or the Soviet Union. Roots of Russian literature can be traced to
American literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia American literature is the literature written or produced in the area of the United States and its preceding colonies. For more specific discussions of poetry and theater, see Poetry of the United States and Theater in the United States. During its early