Blue Jasmine (2013) - Blue Jasmine is a 2013 American drama film written and directed by Woody Allen. It tells the story of a rich Manhattan socialite (played by Cate Blanchett) falling into poverty and homelessness. It was released on July ...
布蘭琪 - 维基百科 凱特·布蘭琪除了是史上擁有奧斯卡金像獎最佳女主角和女配角獎的六位演員之一, 亦是唯一獲得奧斯卡 ... 露出的房間裡,每天只捨得喝一杯咖啡,因此曾經給自己設定 五年之內若沒在劇場界闖出成績便轉行。
伍迪·艾伦- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 伍迪·艾倫. 伍迪·艾倫於電影《怎样都行》首映,2009年 ...... 自20世纪60年代后期起他 就开始公开演奏,特别是与典藏厅爵士乐团一起为影片《傻瓜大闹科学城》配乐。
蓝色茉莉- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 《蓝色茉莉》(英语:Blue Jasmine)是一部2013年伍迪·艾伦编剧并执导的美国剧情片 ,凯特·布兰切特、莎莉·霍金斯和亚历克· ...
Jasmine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jasmine (taxonomic name Jasminum /ˈiæsmɨnəm/)[5] is a genus of shrubs and vines in the olive family ...
颜色列表 - 维基百科 顏色 名稱 英語 十六进制 R G B C M Y K H S V 黑色 Black #000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 昏灰 Dimgray #696969 105 105 105 0 0 0 ... 能表達顏色的中文 字 [编辑] 紅色 [编辑] 赤、朱、丹、緋、彤、絳、茜 赭(指紫紅色) 棕色 ...
Jasmine - Disney Princess Wiki Jasmine is one of the main characters of the three Aladdin feature films and the subsequent... ... Jasmine is one of the main characters of the three Aladdin feature films and the subsequent television series. She made her debut in the 1992 feature film A
Jasmine - Aladdin Wiki Physical appearance Jasmine is a very beautiful young woman with tan skin and long, lustrous black hair, big brown eyes, and a distinct hourglass figure. She normally wears her black hair in a ponytail, held together by two light blue bands. She normally
Blue (game) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia Quotes Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow Professor Oak's Laboratory If talked to before going into wild grass "Yo ! Gramps isn't around!" "I ran here 'cos he said he had a Pokémon for me." Y After getting dragged into lab "Gramps! I'm fed up with waiting!"
Jasmine Jolene - The BioShock Wiki - BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite, news, guides, and more Mary-Catherine "Jasmine" Jolene was an exotic dancer at Eve's Garden in Fort Frolic and was the... ... Jasmine's poster (on the staircase landing), as seen in the multiplayer. Main article: BioShock 2 Multiplayer Her poster can also be seen around various