IMosaic 快速製作馬賽克拼貼照片(蒙太奇) | 重灌狂人 2010年8月8日 - Imosaic是一個製作Photomosaic(相片馬賽克)的免費軟體,就是透過一張一張各式各樣不同顏色、不同內容的小圖片,依照一定的規則拼貼成一張更 ...
蒙太奇馬賽克照片製作:AndreaMosaic 3.33 正體中文免安裝 ... 2013年7月25日 - AndreaMosaic的原理,是讓你先選擇一張照片當成底圖,然後它就會將這 ... 下圖即為我製作完成的馬賽克拼貼圖,由於拼貼的照片不夠多,所以成品 ...
將照片拼貼成一張馬賽克效果的大照片(蒙太奇拼貼效果) 2011年9月25日 - 每次畢冊上面總是喜歡來一下馬賽克拼貼,那會不會好奇一下他是怎麼做到的呢? 其實要做到這種馬賽克拼貼效果,透過「Foto-Mosaik-Edda」這個 ...
IMosaic 0.97 - 製作蒙太奇圖片超簡單! :: 綠色工廠Easylife Blog 2010年7月20日 - 相片馬賽克(Photomosaic),或稱蒙太奇照片、蒙太奇拼貼,是一種影像處理的藝術技巧,利用這個方式做出來的圖片,近看時是由許多張小照片合在 ...
【下載】: 蒙太奇照片製作軟體 RasTiler 免費下載 - yam天空部落 蒙太奇照片製作軟體 RasTiler 免費下載 這款能RasTiler 能夠讓你很方便又十分快速的透過特效處理拼接大量的小張圖片來產生一張拼接大圖,可以看看上面這張範本圖片,會覺得好像是一張馬賽克拼貼圖片,其實它是由很多張不同解析度不同主題的照片透過 ...
Photo Mosaics | Use Your Photos In Your Own Photo Mosaic! | Design A Mosaic Use your photo collection in your very own photo mosaic! ... Custom Photo Mosaics from Design A Mosaic Stunning photo mosaics make unique photo gifts--ones that'll keep wowing everyone who sees them for years to come.
Online photo-mosaic maker from a library of pictures galleries or your photo album. No software to d Gift idea: A photo-mosaic made from your private photo albums or a library of thematic image galleries. Online and without any software to download and install. ... Can I use one of my photos as the main image? YES. A simple private photo, even in low-qua
AndreaMosaic Home Page - AndreaPlanet Welcome to the official page of AndreaMosaic, a free project to create digital art using images and computer software. With AndreaMosaic you can create your own photographic mosaics made with your own pictures. A photo mosaic is an image composed of ...
Pixisnap - Free Photo Mosaic Maker and Polaroid Picture Editor Make your own photo mosaic and polaroid pictures in a snap with Pixisnap, your photo mosaic maker and polaroid picture editor for Myspace or desktop! Create photo mosaics and Polaroid pics in a snap with Pixisnap! Turn your lifeless picture to awesome pho
Photographic mosaic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In the field of photographic imaging, a photographic mosaic, also known under the term Photomosaic, a portmanteau of photo and mosaic, is a picture (usually a photograph) that has been divided into (usually equal sized) rectangular sections, each of which