謎語 - 中華百科 - 謎語介紹 謎面 謎語的題目 ,也稱謎題、題面、面文、面句,簡稱面,是一條謎語最重要的內容之一。 謎目 ...
解答區 解答區 【回英語謎語 (一)】 1. Friday 2. hot dog 3. monkey, donkey, turkey 4. When I am riding on horseback. 5. teapot 6. Because you can catch a cold. 7. Because there is one mile between S and S. 8. COCOA ...
謎語題目and解答why and 1的工人智慧搜尋結果@搜Hot 找謎語題目and解答why and 1?還是找謎語題目and解答why and 1?,不管找什麼,來搜Hot找就對了 ... 笑話 和 謎語 - 緹花的世界 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格 WHY does a man want to have ...
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英語英文謎語謎猜-中英譯-中英文對照 英文英語謎語中英文對照 What has a mouth and a fork but never eats? A river. 什麼東西有張嘴還有叉子,但是從來不吃東西?(河流)[河流有河口及分叉處] What has a hand but can't scratch itself? A clock. 什麼東西有手,但是卻沒辦法抓癢?
英語謎語 English Riddles 英語謎語 English Riddles 題目區 【回笑呵呵學英文】 1. What day of the week is the best for having fried foods ... 解答 區 ...
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新生訓練英文謎語題目&解答 - Podcast Plus 英文謎語題目&解答. 1. What keys won't open doors? Monkey or donkey or turkey 2. What kind of dog has no tail? Hot dog 3. What letter will change the color of ...
英語謎語English Riddles 英語謎語English Riddles. 題目區 【回笑呵呵學英文】. 1. What day of ... 14. What is there between sea and sky? 15. What goes up but never comes down? 解答區.