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BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Who doesn't have a belly button? Underwear model Karolina Kurkova has no belly button. Is a barely-there navel for cosmetic or medical reasons? The newspapers call it the "riddle of the £2.5m beauty". The beauty in question is Czech supermodel Karolina Kurkova. The riddle is her non-exis
新英格兰医学杂志- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 新英格蘭医学杂志(英语:The New England Journal of Medicine;簡稱NEJM)是由美國麻州醫學協會(Massachusetts Medical Society)所出版的同行評審性質之醫學 ...
BMJ - Official Site "We believe that everyone should get involved in improving healthcare. That's why we've designed our products and services to do just that - make healthcare improvement ... OUR EXPERTISE BMJ's capabilities extend from publishing to medical education, clin
British Medical Association - Official Site The British Medical Association is the trade union and professional association for doctors and medical students in the UK. We negotiate doctors' contracts with the UK government and represent our members on the key issues that matter
Home - Medical Research Council The MRC works to improve the health of people in the UK - and around the world - by supporting excellent science, and training the very best scientists. We invest in research on ...
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | How unhealthy is a doner kebab? The hand-carved rotating roast that has been part of Turkish cuisine for nigh on a century has become tarnished by the mass-produced "elephant legs" - minced-up cuts of indeterminate meat - rotating in greasy takeaways up and down the UK. Research by the
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