撞球 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 撞球 ,中國大陸又稱 台球 ,港澳又稱 桌球 ,馬新又稱 桌球 ,是一種有多重玩法的技巧運動,其共同點是使用 撞球桿 撞擊一般為白色的 母球 ,令其在 撞球桌 上滾動並撞擊其他球(子球),以達成特定目的。 高桿(推桿):擊打後使母球往前。 中桿(定 ...
撞球的英文怎麼說? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 撞球的英文怎麼說?最普通,廣泛的說法就好了,如果有花式,9號球,等等一堆的專有名詞也可以喔謝謝^^ ... 撞球 Billiard Pool通常是指美式花式撞球。 撞球桿 Cue 撞球比賽中用來撞擊球的桿子,撞球桿最前端接觸球的部分稱為皮頭。
撞球的英文要怎麼說呢?? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 各位大大好:我想請問一下~~撞球的英文~~要怎麼說呢??因為我在背球類的英文~~突然想到這個撞球不會說~~謝謝~!! ... snooker 英式撞球 (有一堆紅球那種) pool game 或 pool 花式撞球 14-1 用花式撞球玩的一種.臺灣叫八號球. 9 ball 用花式撞球玩的一種, 誰先進九號 ...
Billard 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 Billard \Bil"lard\, n. (Zool.) An English fish, allied to the cod; the coalfish. [Written also {billet} and {billit}.] [1913 Webster] Billbeetle 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 Chinese-English Dictionary / Calculator Enter chinese/english word(s), Taiwan address
English billiards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia English billiards,[1] called simply billiards[2] in many former British colonies and in Great Britain where it originated, is a game for two players or teams. Two cue balls (originally both white and one marked e.g. with a black dot, but more recently one
English billiards | Define English billiards at Dictionary.com Main Entry: English billiards Part of Speech: n Definition: a game played on a table with no pockets and three balls, a type of carom billiards Example: The game of English billiards is most popular in Britain and the former empire countries.
Billiards English - A New Way To Shoot Billiards English There are three typical ways to shoot billiards english, but today I'll share a fourth billiards english technique I think you'll find to be superb.
Billiards English - Top 10 Mistakes Made Using Billiards English English Mistake #9: Failure to maintain a level cue stick with billiards english. Elevating the cue stick far above a plane parallel to the upper portion of the shooting arm (roughly parallel to the table’s cloth surface, a near horizontal plane) can caus
ENGLISH BILLIARDS - My Search & Find - The Engine English_billiards ENGLISH BILLIARDS British Billiards English Pool Table English On Pool Ball English On a Cue Ball Using English in Pool Using English in Billiards How to Play English Billiards English Billiards Table bottom english ...
台球 英文呢怎麼說???_知道 提問者採納: billiard [英語]billiard [德語]billard [法語]billard [漢語]台球 (taiqiu) [日語]ビリヤ―ド (びりや―ど) , (biriyado