Stomach rumbling and farting - Doctor answers on HealthcareMagic Suggest treatment for stomach pain, farting and bloating. Having stomach pain, rumbling in my stomach along with farting.. Stomach Is bloated and hard at times.
为什么肚子总是咕咕叫,且老是放屁_快速问医生_搜索更多专家答案_ ... 病情分析: 肚子总是咕咕叫,且老是放屁,说明你的胃肠蠕动快,在排气. 指导意见: 你 容易饿吗?大约多长时间就胃排空感觉到饿了?去测个血糖,甲功看看有无 ...
肚子一直咕咕叫,老放屁,總覺得肚子涼涼- 消化內科- 有健康網 性別:女年齡:23病史:常年的消化功能不是很好,從小就是;拉肚子;得過1-2次黴菌 性陰道炎病情描述:10年過年前拉肚子拉的比較嚴重,去醫院吊水 ...
Why is my stomach constantly growling and have a lot of gas? this has been happening for some months. even when i eat my stomach growls and have a lot of gas. i ...