UNICEF | Children’s Rights & Emergency Relief Organization Working to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour.
聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑 2014 成功報名慈善跑的參賽者可發揮無限創意,設計自己的紀念T恤,指定賽事參賽者更可自選參賽號碼,自製個人化慈善跑旅程。
The Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF 2014年9月10日 「零錢布施」2013年籌款港幣逾 1,310萬元救助全球弱勢兒童 來年重點支援柬埔寨營養不良兒童 全文 2014年8月21日 調查發現所有受訪中學生曾接觸網絡欺凌 近半坦言會「視若無睹」 60名中學生獲委任UNICEF青年使者 下月落區呼籲市民挺身 ...
UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association | Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative ( UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association Unicef 愛嬰醫院運動是聯合國兒童基金會致力推動、保護及支持母乳餵哺的全球性運動。
聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 報名及籌款 立即報名 個人籌款專頁 個人資料 贊助紀錄 個人籌款資料 賽事成績 ... 聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑 聯合國兒童基金會簡介 聯絡我們 新聞及媒體 最新消息 發佈中心 活動照片 ...
The Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF / 我們的工作 聯合國兒童基金會是全球首個關注發展中國家不幸兒童、致力維護兒童權益的聯合國機構。本會與其他聯合國機構、當地政府及其他志願團體緊密合作,為發展中國家兒童提供基本健康護理、營養、基礎教育、安全食水及衞生設施。
Welcome to the UNICEF Breastfeeding Initiatives Exchange ! Welcome to the UNICEF Breastfeeding Initiatives Exchange ! Whats New ! World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year, on the anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration. ( Aug 1- 7 ) UNICEF supports World Breastfeeding ...
UNICEF UK - Official Site Unicef is the world's leading organisation for children in over 190 countries. Make a donation and help us save children's lives across the world. ... Unicef's work What we do Issues we work on Our UK work Campaigns Millennium Goals Our supporters Celebri
Water & Sanitation | UNICEF USA Clean water saves lives. Water is life. When water is unsafe and sanitation non-existent, water can kill. Globally, waterborne illnesses are the second leading cause of death for children under five, killing 1,400 children every day. UNICEF works in more
The Baby Friendly Initiative | Research - UNICEF UK | Children's charity | Working for children worl The latest research on breastfeeding and infant feeding. ... Health Professionals Care Pathways Breastfeeding Bottle feeding Feeding a preterm baby Going Baby Friendly What is a Baby Friendly award? Preparing to go Baby Friendly