【美國】羚羊峽谷 Antelope Canyon - 【攝影旅者】美國國家公園、 世界遊記與夜景 之後,就會開到羚羊峽谷Tour導遊所在地,這次我們參加的是上羚羊谷(Upper Antelope Canoyn)的攝影之旅(Photography Tour),基本上和一般Tour差別就是貴一些,但是也因此時間能多停留一小時(兩小時),我們參加的費用是50美金,可是我後來有看到網頁上面有 ...
美國大冒險(7) Antelope Canyon 羚羊峽谷:此生一定要 ... - 攝影家手札 2012年9月4日 ... 離開Kayenta後,我們行車兩小時來到攝影朝聖之地羚羊峽谷。從紀念碑峽谷開始, 到Kayenta和羚羊峽谷,都屬於納瓦荷原住民保留區,因此飯店的 ...
羚羊峡谷_百度百科 羚羊峡谷(Antelope Canyon)是世界上著名的狭缝型峡谷之一,也是知名的摄影景点 ,位于美国亚利桑纳州北方,最靠近的城市为佩吉市(Page, Arizona),属于纳瓦荷 ...
Antelope Canyon 羚羊峽谷行程計畫全紀錄懶人包 @ 蓁蓁的 ... 這一次總算有機會去看看傳說中的世界級奇景Antelope Canyon 羚羊峽谷!!! 不過就算是要 ... 大峽谷住宿Best Western Grand Canyon Squire Inn, 恐怖當地風味晚餐
【美西】第九天- 羚羊峽谷-> Bryce @ mcbass的網路日誌:: 痞客 ... 2011年7月26日 - 嘿嘿,因為太喜歡羚羊峽谷了!所以隔天早上我們又去了一次xD 大家可以看一下早上跟下午的光線照出來有什麼不一樣喔。用同一個景點當第一張 ...
Antelope Canyon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon in the American Southwest. It is located on Navajo land near Page, Arizona. Antelope Canyon includes two separate, photogenic slot canyon sections, referred to individually as Upper Antelope Canyon or The Crack; and Lower
羚羊峽谷 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Upper Antelope Canyon - Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park HWY 89 Closure and Detour Information - Page, Az. Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park manages the following areas: UPPER ANTELOPE CANYON LOWER ANTELOPE CANYON UPPER PART OF EAST WATERHOLES LOWER PARK OF EAST ...
Antelope Canyon - Navajo Tours by Chief Tsosie Experience Antelope Canyon with Antelope Slot Canyon Tours by Chief Tsosie and his personable friendly guides. Enjoy Native American culture and live flute music while touring the majestic Antelope Canyon on the Navajo Nation.
Antelope Canyon Antelope Canyon Tours is a customer service oriented business that specializes in tours into the slot canyons around Page, Arizona / Lake Powell Area. One of our primary offerings is our guest seeing Antelope Canyon through the Eyes of a Native American .