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Hydro Flask | Hydro Flask - Insulated Stainless Steel Coffee, Tea and Water Bottle - 18 oz (Medium) Hydro Flask 18 oz stainless steel double wall vacuum insulated water bottle keeps hot 12 hours and keeps cold 24 hours. ... Posted by Jeannette bento on 04/23/2014 Hydro flask Mine did not work. Bought it from Columbia store in Las Vegas who said to conta
Hydro Flask | Hydro Flask - Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle - 40 oz (Large) - Wide Mouth Posted by Todd on 06/27/2014 Great Product! I bought this to replace a 32 oz thermos that was on its last leg. I searched for a long time trying to find something that was the same size (where I keep it I couldn't go any bigger). A friend turned me on to