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Disney•Pixar’s Adventurous New Heroine from “Brave” Is Coming to Disney Parks « Disney Parks Blog Stephanie on March 29th, 2012 at 5:06 pm Rapunzel’s meet and greet location at Disneyland could not be any more perfect for her, so I hope you guys don’t move her! I can see the area for Rapunzel right now at Disneyworld could easily be transformed into M
Cycling Transfers 2016 - - Team Information - By: Cycling Transfers 2016 - - Team Information - By: - The International Cycling Social Network ... It's that time of the year again. A lot of teams are looking for new additions to lead the team, talents or just workers and this is the time
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Same-sex marriage in Connecticut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Same-sex marriage in Connecticut was legalized on November 12, 2008, following a state court decision that found the state's civil unions failed to provide same-sex couples with rights and privileges equivalent to those of marriage. Connecticut was the th