UV Flashlight|torch|led flashlight-TANK007 Flashlight Grandoor Co., Limited UV Flashlight,Shenzhen Grandoor Electronic Co., Limited. products cover all kinds of LED flashlight, has been developed from a hardware manufacturing factory, which was established in the year 2000, when it was specialized in manufacturing
LEDwholesalers 395 nM 51 UV Ultraviolet LED flashlight Blacklight 3 AA, 7202UV395 - Black Light Flas This large UV flashlight with 51 UV LEDs allows you to cover a much bigger area without losing the intensity of the UV light. The applications is perfect for inspection applications, security control, rodent contamination, hotel room inspection, and much
Bright Flashlights | LED Flashlight |UV | Dive | Underwater Output: 165 lumens Battery Type: AAA (alkaline or lithium or NiMH) Run Time: 3 to 150 hours Feature: center beam for distance plus 4 dimmable white LEDs for area lighting; includes head strap and rubber hard hat strap
紫外線手電筒1W 高功率UV 395nm 400nm 405nm LED-SHOP ... 紫外線手電筒常用於電子零件用UV 膠固定,手工藝品接著固化等用途。 市場上大陸貨充斥整個台灣,大部份 ...
UV LED手電筒 - 眾瀚興業JUNG HAN TECH CO., LTD. 無損檢測的LED燈,UV LED手電筒. 應用中使用,如無損檢測和UV固化。燈泡:5W 365NM紫外線燈,運行 ...
12顆LED紫光大範圍驗鈔燈手電筒1入- PChome購物中心 NOVASTAR T1203UV 3W高功率防水-防撞-UV LED驗鈔燈手電筒 ... 肉眼看不到的冷煤外洩或特殊墨水,搭配紫外線燈的照射,讓您迅速找到解決問題的答案。
UV LED驗鈔燈手電筒 - PChome 24h購物 NOVASTAR T1203UV 3W高功率防水-防撞-UV LED驗鈔燈手電筒- LED手電筒, NOVASTAR T1203UV 3W高功率防水-防撞-UV LED驗鈔燈手電筒.
新奇禮品世界- UV 燈手電筒,紫外線光手電筒 - PChome商店街 UV 燈手電筒,紫外線光手電筒. 檢驗偽鈔,偽卡的利器。 肉眼看不到的冷煤外洩,肉眼看不到的特殊墨水,搭配紫外線燈的照射,讓您迅速找到解決問題的答案。
鑑定翡翠B貨玉石樹脂螢光反應紫外線手電筒套組395nm ... 2014年10月4日 - 居家安全,手電筒-鑑定翡翠B貨玉石樹脂螢光反應紫外線手電筒套 ... 365nm為可以看到的光, 只是光線很弱,365準波長的紫外線燈珠,發光顏色幾乎 ...
紫外線手電筒鑒定翡翠B貨玉石樹脂螢光反應365nm 大功率3W ...