素食主義- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 素食主義(英语:vegetarianism)是一種有關飲食的文化,實踐這種飲食文化的人被稱 為素食主義者(英语:vegetarian)。
Vegetarian and Vegan Food and Recipes for a Meatless Diet Vegetarian and Vegan Food and Recipes for a Meatless Diet, About.com Vegetarian Food ... Vegan dinner ideas Need a vegan dinner idea? Browse through this collection of simple, healthy, low-fat and vegan meal ideas including quick Thai curries, easy Indian
Vegetarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Etymology [edit] The word vegetarian is on record since 1839, referring to what was previously just described as "vegetable diet". It is a compound of vegetable and the suffix -arian (as in agrarian). The term was popularised with the foundation of the Ve
Vegetarian Times - Official Site Vegetarian Times delivers healthy, delicious recipes, plus expert nutrition and lifestyle information that is exclusively vegetarian but inviting to all. ... By: Vegetarian Times September 09, 2014 TELL VT: What’s your favorite veg Thanksgiving dish? What
Vegetarian cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Vegetarian cuisine refers to food that meets vegetarian standards by not including meat and animal tissue products. For lacto-ovo vegetarianism (the most common type of vegetarianism in the Western world), eggs and dairy products such as milk and cheese a
素食主義 - 相關部落格
Vegetarian Society - Official Site The Vegetarian Society is a registered educational charity offering support, advice and free resources to families, individuals, health professionals, caterers and many others. ... Register Login Register for free resources and lots more Why register? For
Vegetarian Diet: MedlinePlus - National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health A vegetarian diet focuses on plants for food. These include fruits, vegetables, dried beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts. There is no single type of vegetarian diet. Instead, vegetarian eating patterns usually fall into the following groups: The vegan
Welcome to Vegetarian Society (Singapore) | Vegetarian Society (Singapore) 20 Sep 2014 - Grow Things! Organic Gardening Workshop (Cancelled) 19 Mar 2014 - Kwan Inn Vegetarian Food, Charity Day 01 Mar 2014 - VSS 15th AGM and GMO Debate 22 Feb 2014 - Shaving George at Eight Treasures! 09 Nov 2013 - Hike at MacRitchie ...